What To Do Now:
We welcome you, our honored guest(s), to this unique place of vision and revelation. Our special purpose for this website, is to aid you in your search for the truth. There is an amazing knowledge and understanding of life, that is currently available and now offered to all seekers of the ways of the Divine. This is a very special place designed to help you to learn and comprehend the love and light, the wonder and majesty, and the true nature of the glorious and incredible God and Creator of all things. He wants you to know Him and have an eternal and everlasting relationship and living existence with Him. He even came here once to visit us as a human being, born right here on earth, and becoming a teacher of the ways and knowledge of God, to introduce us to the meaning and true purpose of all life. This was to allow us the holy and unique opportunity to know our Maker and the Glorious Designer of everything. He is the Savior and King of the entire universe. His name is Jesus the beautiful and glorious One. He is the True and only God. His name is over and above all names ever known on earth. His primary purpose to come to this earth was to live here, and die on a cross, and then be resurrected three days later to command the power of life and death forever. He is able to give that eternal life to all who come to God through Him. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. We serve and live by and through Him and Him alone.
He reveals Himself to all who express a desire to know the truth, and live a dedicated life of joy and giving, love and honor. We, in fact, do know Him, and are blessed and privileged to have been afforded this opportunity to help you to know Him too. We are always here for you to assist you on your journey of discovery. We pray your adventure along the path of understanding is always blessed. Thank you for allowing us to help you to know the truth. Once again WELCOME and thank you. WE LOVE YOU!.
Walk in God’s PEACE / LOVE without reservation. Above all LOVE and HONOR God.
In the possibility that you didn't say the Prayer For Light I am including it here so you will be able to benefit from the knowledge contained in this website. So if you didn't say it here it is so you can. If you have already said it then continue to the next paragraph. Prayer for Light - I want to know true peace and love. Jesus, I want You in my life. You are true love because You died on a cross and rose from the dead so You, God, can give me eternal life. Please forgive all my sins and let me live as Your child. I accept you as my Savior, Lord and King. I want to live for You, love You and walk in Your LIGHT always, Thank You Lord for saving me. I am BORN-AGAIN. In Jesus name, Amen
Introduction to The Seven Divine Directives
*These seven spiritual laws are given here to aid your life as a child of God, and make everything easier to understand. Please read and study them. These spiritual statutes are given from a special place of experience and understanding. Their intention is to allow your life to be much more than it could ever be without exposure to this collective knowledge. Put these Divine Directives into your heart, mind and spirit and you can avoid many of the errors, mistakes and pitfalls you might be prone make by functioning without them. We give these to you purely out of love, and pray they will assist you in your walk with God. Following these codices will create in you a solid foundation of strength, intellect, and supernatural, God ordained wisdom. Using them as a guide for living, you will walk in His power as holy children, carrying His message of hope: anointed to take your place as supernatural soldiers of LOVE and LIGHT. You will be able to effectively fight against every form of demonic, darkness and depravity, all wickedness, cruelty and evil intent, which is purposefully destroying God’s beautiful and glorious creation. These Seven Divine Directives can be your spiritual key to unlock clarity and true understanding. They are a weapon of blessing for you to use and share, both now and into the future, until this present war comes to it’s victorious conclusion.
Now, let these next words guide your mind into a new purpose. Adopt them as your new mantra. And put them in your heart.
WALK in God’s Peace/ LOVE without Reservation.
I am Honored to be your brother, guide, and eternal friend …In the LIGHT and LOVE of JESUS Christ forever and beyond!
The Seven Divine Directives
To live a successful life as a child of God, you will NEED a Bible. Get one ASAP to read and study every day. Whatever you need to know about God and the living system He has created, it is contained within these pages. They are filled with God-breathed, life-imparting words. The Bible is your special gift from God and it is your life support system in this world. We are not exaggerating…it really is. He put this Book on this earth so we would be able to know the truth about everything. It not only contains knowledge of the past, the present, and even the future of our life on this planet, but it also gives us a unique, written account of the beginnings of life outside of this earth, as well as, the historical reality of the unseen, spiritual existence of His special Creation. God wants us to learn about everything. But that is not all the Bible can do. It literally GIVES LIFE. Few people actually understand the power of this Book. It not only provides us with important knowledge, but He also gave this Book to us as a transforming agent in the lives of His children. When you read and listen to these words in the Bible, they supernaturally change you and infuse His Spirit into you. They continually transform you into new creations who will know the secrets of LIFE. And just knowing this special knowledge, you will be able to unite with the Creator and also be used to bring others into this beautiful and incredible unity as well. And don’t forget, in our current techno world, you can also listen to the Bible on your personal computer, television, or even your smart cell phone. This makes it even easier to listen and experience God’s Word any time you choose. However, you should hesitate to use this opportunity to replace the actual printed Bible in your life. It is quite essential to study the Word with a printed version. This allows much more time for individual study and meditation without any interruption. The Bible is in truth, GOD’S LIVING, LIFE-GIVING, spiritual change agent. He wrote His BOOK and gave it to us all as a gift because He LOVES US, and He wants us to be transformed into special, eternal beings, full of His love and light and glory.
Start your new life with a new mindset of forgiveness. make up your mind to forgive.
At one time or another, we have all been hurt emotionally, mentally, or maybe even physically, in this world, but now that you are a new creation, you no longer need to allow these unpleasant, unhappy experiences to cause you to live with repetitious, painful memories, of regret or sorrow. Forgiveness is a superior trait of a truly spiritual person. It might not be easy, and in fact, it may actually be quite difficult to forgive those who might have caused you discomfort, anguish, or pain, but know there is a special reward for performing the act of forgiveness.
The greatest example of forgiveness one can possibly imagine was actually demonstrated by Jesus Christ, Himself. The record of this extraordinary act is reported in the Bible in the Book of Luke Chapter 23 vs. 34-38. This is the written account of the murder of Our Creator, as He was being mocked and unmercifully tortured, He demonstrated the importance of committing the act of forgiveness even while He was experiencing the horrible, indescribably, tortuous death on the Roman cross. Jesus cried out, and I quote “Father forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing”. Choose to follow His example and forgive everyone now. Also, as you may at this moment, might even be thinking of someone you could have wronged or hurt, it’s a good idea to pray for them by name…and then forgive yourself. Don’t wait to do it. Do it right now. It is the right thing to do.
God is now YOUR FATHER. Talk to Him like you would talk to any person you know. Do it anytime and anywhere. This is the God who created everything in the entire universe. He made every atom, every form of matter, every beam of light, every being seen and unseen. He hears and sees everything. He can hear you and wants to do so. Never think He is too busy to listen, He is not. That is just a lie from the enemy. Your FATHER always has time to hear you, His newly adopted child. Dialogue with Him every day as often as you like. But remember, He is always watching over you and listening anyway. He wants your life to be the best it could ever be. He loves you.
Don’t be a spiritual lone ranger. Find a good Bible believing CHURCH. Attend it at least once a week. Bible studies are also very important to attend as often as you can. But make very sure the Bible is being used and not extra biblical books and literature. There are many alternative, spiritual religions, and CULTS in this world who can lead you into error and deception. Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, Islam, Christian Science, Eastern Mysticism, Psychics, Scientology, RCC and many other non-Biblical religious denominations. There are many forms of deception and many false religions. When looked at carefully, you will discover that many belief systems are, in essence, just different forms of the occult. If they approach you be polite, but STEER CLEAR of them. They are communing with a different God. They are spiritually incorrect in their doctrines and teaching. Don’t be paranoid but be careful. You may even want to find out just what they believe, but remember to JUDGE what you hear by using the Bible to test every word. This is another very good reason to learn and study your Bible. You are not supposed to walk this new life alone. His Word tells us to seek out and unite with other believers on a regular basis. It is a very important way to help you learn about your new life.
5. PRAY.
As His true child, you have this privilege and right to go to Him whenever you feel the need to ask for help, wisdom, or forgiveness either for yourself or others. It is a two way necessary form of communication with God. Prayer WORKS all the time. It is a great idea to communicate with God as often as you can. He is your ultimate guide on how to successfully walk in your new life as a born-again believer. Prayer is a very effective weapon against the powers of darkness. The Bible tells us it is your spiritual SWORD, and it truly is. But also remember, a very important part of your prayer time includes praising God and thanking Jesus for doing all He has done and will continue to do for you and others you know. He is a very GOOD and LOVING GOD. You will learn this very quickly as your life advances and the miracles begin to take place. This will be a very consistent occurrence, and all you need to do is ask. By the way, coincidences don’t exist. you are a very important part of God’s elaborate plan. You will soon discover this is true. Life is about to become very interesting and very exciting for you. Keep moving into the things of God and you will watch the adventures unfold right before your eyes. It’s amazing!
You now have an eternal life to be able to spend with God, now and forever. Eventually you will also be living with Him in His New Kingdom. This not only occurs in the present, but also into the eternal future you are now going to inhabit. Remember, you are now, by surrendering control of your new life to your Creator, and with His help, you will be able to live a victorious and glorious life. You should want this for everyone. In reality, you are now, by your kingdom adoption and by the blood of Jesus Christ, shed for your sins on the Cross at Calvary, also free from the control of the Devil and all his lies and deceptions. But it is important that you study and learn the WORD of GOD. It is the primary way God will teach you and guide your development in your new spiritual life. If everyone did this, the world would be a MUCH better and different place. Shouldn’t you want that for everyone else? Let others how wonderful God really is. He can help and save them too. It is a true demonstration of the love of God being expressed to humanity. No one should miss out on the beauty and wonder of a future existence with God as their Father. But they must come to him just as you have done. He will forgive them if they ask just as He did for you. But they must come to Him and they need to know how this can be accomplished. You can tell them and they too can be set free from death and the terrible darkness of a life without God. He awaits their approach and you just may be the vessel God uses to bring them home. Can you imagine any greater blessing than to see another soul enter the eternal Kingdom of God because you told them how? Wow!
Now it is time to remember the fact of who you really are. You are now a brand, new CREATION. You are no longer who you were before you were BORN AGAIN. It is important that you understand this and become educated in the things of God and His Kingdom. Use your Bible to help you to know the truth. And I do not exaggerate when I tell you this FACT. It is actually filled with life giving words from God to you, to give you a true understanding of REALITY; a reality you are just beginning, even now, to live. Start your necessary re-programming by using the guide BOOK. Life is definitely NOT what you thought it was. It is so much more than you can presently understand. And we want you to know everything, and every blessing you could ever imagine. It is an incredible existence not bound by anything in this world, or even this entire universe. It is a spectacular, never-ending, journey of wonder and amazement which lasts FOREVER! It is fabulous, different, incredible and exciting! The BIBLE is you spiritual GUIDE BOOK and it DOES NOT LIE. It is your time to learn the TRUTH about EVERYTHING! Time to GROW. Time to REALIZE your place in this LIFE. Time to FLY into your destiny! This is what you were initially born to experience. The God of LOVE and LIGHT is now your Eternal FATHER and He has a life for you to live way beyond your wildest dreams. And it is GLORIOUS! Welcome to your magnificent FOREVER! WE love you!!!